How to Humanize AI Content

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No matter what you think of AI, the technology is not going anywhere — not anytime soon. ChatGPT and BingAI will continue shaping the way people create and consume content.

But when it comes to content writing, humans still have the edge. While AI-powered tools can organize, recommend, and edit content, they still struggle to convey human emotion in writing. So, you need to find a way to humanize AI content.

So, if you are using an AI copy generator for your content, this article will show you how to humanize the text.

What is AI-generated content?

As the name suggests, AI-generated content refers to any copy or content that AI tools generate.

Modern AI writing tools use natural language generation (NLG), natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning algorithms to scour the vast expanse of online resources in order to create content.

This technology is present in every content writing bot and automated chatbot feature, including Google Translate, ChatGPT, and Undetectable AI.

How does it work?

When you enter your search term in an AI content generator, the system scours the internet database for relevant information, which it then aggregates into coherent text.

AI content generation involves three processes:

  1. The AI collects data from search results, consumer behavior, CRMs, and other online repositories.
  2. The AI analyzes the data and compares it to the main search query.
  3. From the obtained data, the AI recommends content directions and topics suited to your audience.

Companies like the UK Press Association use AI-generated content to automate most of their written communication.

However, these companies don’t allow AI to publish the finished article. A human editor must go through the final draft to humanize AI text.

Why should you humanize AI-generated content?

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From Giphy

Machine learning content writing is often hit-or-miss; the larger the content, the lower the quality of the final product.

Let’s explore why AI-generated blog content and copy need extra human attention:

AI is far from perfect

GPT-3 is an advanced AI tool that most experts crown as the best text generator around. The software can generate realistic answers to questions, even in medicine and philosophy. Recently, the AI passed one of the most prestigious law exams.

However, research has shown that this technology is still faulty; the quality is inconsistent and dependent on the search prompt.

AI tools lack empathy

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AI writing tools serve only one purpose: to improve efficiency in content creation. Since AI content generation relies on algorithms, the results sound robotic and soulless. Users have also reported Bing AI giving harsh responses to seemingly innocent questions.

And when you are creating user-oriented content, empathy helps drive your message home. So, you need to edit your content to sound less robotic and empathize with the reader.

Humanizing AI content allows you to personalize 

AI-generated content follows pre-determined rules and algorithms to search and aggregate information for the text. 

As a result, the technology cannot customize content to your target audience–not exactly the way your brand wants. Instead, you get generic content that is technically accurate but contextually off-point. 

Improve conversions

Modern consumers create a personal connection with the brand. A study by Adobe showed that 67% of consumers prefer personalized content to generic content. 

Not only that, 66% of online shoppers won’t shop with a brand that doesn’t sound genuine and empathic. 

So, if you care about business growth and conversions, spend some time editing AI-generated content before sharing with it your consumers.

5 tips to help you humanize AI content 

Adding the human touch doesn’t just mean handing the content to an editor to proofread; you still need to eliminate the ”C-3PO” element from your writing.

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From Giphy

Here are ways to humanize AI-generated content.

Use the AI-generated content as a reference

Generating ideas for your content topic can be heavy lifting, especially when you are experiencing writer’s block. But AI-generated content can spark your imagination. 

Instead of using the draft as the final product, use it as a building block for your brainstorming session. 

You can retain the structure and customize the rest of the content to your target audience.

Besides, AI-generated content can point you to valuable resources from which you can gather essential data to enrich your content.

And if you don’t edit the final draft, Google might flag your content for plagiarism.

Use A/B testing to measure the impact

If you still believe that only AI-generated content is the future of writing, why not put it to the test?

Choose a search prompt and generate content for it. Then hire an online writer to write a content piece on the same topic.

Next, create a campaign to share both content pieces with your audience without any extra editing. 

Then check the results.

I am no prophet, but I am sure that your human-generated content will gain more traction than AI-generated content.

Adjust the context

AI content regurgitates facts and figures, depending on how you phrase the search prompt. Different iterations of the same search term can provide results that differ cardinally from each other.

Here are some factors AI can take out of context:

  • The target audience or consumer persona
  • The meaning of words
  • The writing style
  • The acceptable tone of voice

But when a human editor works on the draft, they can understand the context and make adjustments accordingly. 

Keep the content concise

AI writing tools generate texts without any restriction to word count or paragraph structure. 

Here is a sample text from Articoolo:

By skimming through the text, you can tell that a human didn’t write any of that. The information is accurate, but the delivery is off.

So, instead of slamming people across the head with long paragraphs, rearrange the structure and add some “white space” to the text body. 

Break the texts into digestible and skimmable chunks.

Use AI content writing tools to improve SEO

AI writing generators analyze the top online resources on a topic for information, and this presents an opportunity to improve your site’s technical SEO.

You just need to identify the top competitors in the niche, outrank them for keywords, provide value-laden content, and let Google do the rest.

Regard AI as your colleague

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From Giphy

AI and humans must find a way to co-exist in the content writing space. I believe that AI will cover most writing processes in the future, except personalization. 

So, don’t rival the AI gods. Instead, use these powerful tools to improve your writing and make your life easier.

Use reliable AI writing tools

If you must use AI writing tools, you might as well choose the best. Choosing low-grade AI content creation tools will only double your work as an editor.

For instance, you can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for your content workflow. You can also use Grammarly and Hemingway to correct grammatical errors and improve readability. Tools like Undetectable AI can also help you humanize AI content by getting rid of robotic-sounding words.

Ultimately, tools like Atomic Reach and Ahrefs can help you write user-oriented content and improve your site’s SEO ranking.

Final words

AI-generated content can boost your content creation process. But without that human touch, your content will sound robotic and alienate customers.

So, hire an editor to go through automated texts to make sure they convey your brand’s message and resonate with the audience on a personal level.

Use AI content writing tools at every stage of the content creation process to optimize your workflow.

Who wrote this?

Technical Content Writer | Website

As the owner and editor of SomebodySays, Ugo Ezenduka shows readers the fundamentals of content writing and blogging to help them adapt to the ever-changing landscape.

He has collaborated with several IT and publishing companies to create articles and blog posts that customers crave. When he is not in front of a screen, Ugo can be spotted somewhere with a camera or on a football pitch.

He also blogs here and here.

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Author: Ugo Ezenduka

As the owner and editor of SomebodySays, Ugo Ezenduka shows readers the fundamentals of content writing and blogging to help them adapt to the ever-changing landscape. He has collaborated with several IT and publishing companies to create articles and blog posts that customers crave. When he is not in front of a screen, Ugo can be spotted somewhere with a camera or on a football pitch. He also blogs here and here.