7 Must-Have Pro Writing Tools for Students

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Acing a project or assignment is not only about completing the word count. You are graded on your grasp of the academic material. Don’t get me wrong; you have to follow the paper guidelines strictly. But the number of words in your essay doesn’t matter if they are off the mark. 

Make no mistake; your teachers know all the dirty tricks students play to complete the specified word count — white-colored text, eh? As a result, they are more interested in the quality of your work. Were you able to convey your thoughts on the topic properly? 

And this is where every student struggles. . .

I can relate to that feeling when you know the correct answer but cannot express it in proper ‘science-speak.’ Or when you revise your paper and the delivery seems a bit off. Or even when you write a paper from scratch and the Turnitin report shows a disappointing similarity report. Sometimes, you even complete your assignment, and your laptop decides to crash on you out of the blue.

No need to worry; you don’t have to go through these nail-biting moments anymore. I will show you some of the essential tools that will ease the burden and stress of academic work.

These writing tools have worked for me throughout the years and will come in handy for you.

1 – Grammar checkers

The first online grammar checker that comes to mind is Grammarly. This app allows you to check if your grammar is on point. You can download the Chrome extension for all your writing. The app also has a compatible Microsoft Word add-on. 

Other grammar checkers include ProWritingAid and HemingWayApp

The premium versions of these grammar tools allow you more access to top-notch services. You can adjust the tone for a formal or informal audience. Grammarly even offers grammar alternatives and allows you to check for plagiarism.

2 – Google Docs

This app is slowly pushing MS Word out of the market — that’s how highly-rated it is. Google Docs allows collaboration from multiple users on one project. You can limit access to specific users or make it open-source to multiple collaborators. You are also allowed access to your documents from any device at any time. 

So, if you forgot your laptop at home, you can open the assignment on your phone. You can also edit your paper on the go. And if you need a friend to make changes to the document, they can directly adjust the paper. Downloading options are also available if you need to submit the hard copy.

3 – Thesaurus

Sometimes, you might have a word or idiom rattling in your brain, but it doesn’t sound quite right. The Thesaurus.com app or website is always there for you. You will get the definition, synonyms, and usage in context. 

Get this app right away if you are tired of adding salt (insult) to injury.

4 – Plagiarism Checkers

Plagiarism is a severe offense that can get you an ‘F’ on a paper. Some teachers might even go as far as reporting you to the ethics board.

But let’s keep it a buck; sometimes students just blatantly copy people’s work from the internet. Other times, you are just unlucky to express an idea that already exists in the ether. 

You can save yourself the trouble by using a plagiarism checker before submitting your paper. Turnitin and Unicheck are student-friendly plagiarism checkers. Turn on the advanced features for a more detailed breakdown of the written content.

5 – Citation Bots

Plagiarism checkers often flag text fragments as plagiarism because of incorrect citations. 

How can someone master every citation style for every source of information? Is that even possible?

I share in your frustration — bots will do what bots do.

However, you can use online citation bots like CiteThisForMe to generate citations for different styles — MLA, Harvard, APA, the whole shebang. All you need to do is provide a few details about the publication or a link to the online material.

6 – WolframAlpha

Wolfram Alpha writing tool

This website is your one-stop solution for every science-related problem — from elementary math problems to complex engineering solutions. Students can also lookup condensed facts on famous people and historical events. Courses for the humanities are also available on the WolframAlpha website. Get the premium package for more detailed analyses of solutions.

7 – StayFocusd

Concentration is a major problem for students, especially when working online. Some desktop notifications just know when to distract your train of thought. But you can get rid of these distractions with this fantastic app. 

The aptly-named StayFocusd will help you tune out every distraction for a specified duration. It allows you to tackle your assignments with laser focus.

Take your writing to another level with the help of these online resources. Some of them are available for free, while you need to pay a few bucks for others. Writing can be fun. Use these tools and get the best out of every assignment!

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Technical Content Writer | Website

As the owner and editor of SomebodySays, Ugo Ezenduka shows readers the fundamentals of content writing and blogging to help them adapt to the ever-changing landscape.

He has collaborated with several IT and publishing companies to create articles and blog posts that customers crave. When he is not in front of a screen, Ugo can be spotted somewhere with a camera or on a football pitch.

He also blogs here and here.

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Author: Ugo Ezenduka

As the owner and editor of SomebodySays, Ugo Ezenduka shows readers the fundamentals of content writing and blogging to help them adapt to the ever-changing landscape. He has collaborated with several IT and publishing companies to create articles and blog posts that customers crave. When he is not in front of a screen, Ugo can be spotted somewhere with a camera or on a football pitch. He also blogs here and here.